Career Coaching Session
Guidance & Inspiration
Do you feel like you are always adding new tasks to your to-do list but never crossing anything out? My specialization will help guide and inspire you to achieve more of your personal and professional goals. Get in touch today and start taking control of your life with my coaching tools and techniques.

Find your Purpose and Path
Explore The Possibilities
Who do I work with?
My career coaching practice offers several different coaching packages so it is geared towards women and men who are: job-changers; job re-entrants; C-suite executives; mid-level executives; executives who want to become entrepreneurs; executives or entrepreneurs who want to work through career blocks, develop leadership capabilities, and accelerate their promotion; new entrants to the workforce; CEOs and senior managers who want a private advisor to explore issues in a safe space; entrepreneurs who are looking to scale profitable growth of the ventures; professional volunteers who want to return to paid work; Board members who are looking to develop their leadership; people facing diversity challenges at work; people facing compensation challenges or pay equity issues; anyone who feels blocked or unfulfilled in their career progression.
What services do I offer?
Here are some career coaching services I offer:
Creating a vision for possible careers to pursue
Developing an informational interviewing strategy to learn more and assess fit
Creating your personal and professional brand, in person and online
Developing your pitch (online and print resume, elevator speech, LinkedIn and SEO, persuasive and original answers to FAQ)
Mock interviews
Identifying what makes you indispensable to your clients and organization
Maximizing your zone of brilliance
Developing your forward career plan
Integrating your values into your job strategy
Maximizing your worth strategy (compensation, job content alignment, visibility, recognition)
Blending and balancing your personal and professional effectiveness
Developing your teaming and leadership platform and capabilities
Other career issues you would like support on